Wednesday, 21 July 2021

Minor pointless update.

 It's been a while, but I'm still alive. Aside from a few family matters and me having to quit my job, nothing much has really happened since last time I posted.

One interesting thing I've done however is pay off all of my student loans, all of it. Technically If I don't pay them off the goverment just writes it off, but I didn't do that. I hated seeing all of the interest accumulate each in those letters they send you each year and the idea that I owe somebody thousands of pounds just tormented me, so using all the money I saved I spent a huge amount of money paying off part of it just to reduce the interest to a fraction, and then a year later I payed the rest of it off, and that's that. I hope the person they sold the debt to was pleased they actually got somthing for that, I bet it's a rare occurance.

Saturday, 23 February 2019

Amazing this site hasn't forgotten me.

Yes, I'm still alive.

I've made a few animations and other things for you to see on my youtube channel if you are interested

I've also done some animations for a company my brother used to work for and some honest to goodness voiceacting. S'cool

I also found this old music file from nearly two decades ago I assumed was lost and reuploaded it to my soundcloud account. S' also cool.

Friday, 18 April 2014

Look at what I did, aren't I special!

Finally managed to get this sack of old sacks:

And jeez, took me long enough.

Not only do you have to play through the whole game from begining to end 12 times while also going through the needed underwater content just to get the base items to create six of the items in the set. But you then need to ascend again specifically to get the last piece, but oh man is it worth it.

Well is kind of worth it. I mean I'm hardly curing world starvation peace by getting this stuff, but I still feel like a badass.

Well, badass analogue actually.

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Yes I am alive.

No idea what happened last year. I made an animation:

Literally no views since I posted it, absolutely amazing.

And thats about it. Hopefully this year is less of a goddamn waste of time.

Friday, 21 December 2012

Its my birthday, woo yay!

Look, a goat with wellies! this post was totaly worth it!

Sunday, 28 October 2012

"The human body"

I thought I dreampt this, but its real. One day I was looking inside a bookshop and I came across this really bizzare Book on the human body. I never bought it but years later I found it again in a random charity shop and decided to get it.
Sufficed to say it looks like it was illustrated by a madman. Random landscapes of human flesh with innocent children playing amongst human organs melting into the scenery. Here are the four most striking things I noticed. Sadly my scanner is not quite big enough to catch all of it.

Tuesday, 31 July 2012

I need to get a root canal next monday.

Gag me with every spoon ever made.