Saturday, 9 August 2008

Where are these from?

I hate to be out of the loop, but does anyone know where to begin looking for these?

What the hell is this from? This is usual the image used in an image macro that says "OMG I HAET U!" No idea where to begin looking.

This one was homebody's avatar at something awful. Its animated and very creepy, but where does it come from? Nothing I could search could specify what this is and there is little chance of finding it based upon any description of this avatar, so I'm at a loss here.

Somebody made a comic about batman having all his supporting characters being ruined by this character somehow like they are in the comics recently. anyway that guy looks exactly like this person here making it clear its more than just a coincidence. All I know that the movies (or movie analog) this guy is in were featured in MST3K at one point. Other than that I have no leads.

I'm sure I have more that needs identifying, but I'll save those until later...

EDIT: The animated one isn't animated now for some infuriating reason, but you should still recognise it if you know what it is.

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