Friday 8 June 2012

Some plant dudes!

Ever played Overlord? They had these minion fellas who had four different colours and jobs. I decided to make my own version out of plants. and here they are.

The Browns are the Mushroom guys. they are physical attackers who use weapons and can wear armour and helmets to protect themselves

The Reds are the pumpkin fellas and they're as halloweeny as all hell. They use their flaming carved pumpkin heads to spit fireballs into their stalk hands so they can throw it at distant enemies. Yes, I said 'Stalk hands'. Real pumpkin leaves look nothing like that, so its just part of the vine. The main body of these guys are green, I'm currently working out a way to make them more red and Autumny so these are not the final design.

The Greens are giant pitcher-plant men! They use poisonous barbs growing out of their backs as a deadly weapons. Just like in the games they are based on they attack best from behind and look kind of like ninjas. But don't be fooled, that's not a high collar they're wearing, its a giant lower jaw. They sometimes open it when they are flabbergasted at something and it makes them look really goofy.

The Blues are an odd design. They are floating ephemeral underwater plant creatures, their only jobs is to rescue people from water, and to bring fellow plant dudes back to life by cramming their life-force back into their body.

The main reason why I did this was to practice my procedures. Making this I kept running into annoying logistical problems, I was intending to make this in such a way that I could remove and rearrange things if I ever wanted to single out an element or change somthing completely.


Notice how its not shaded in correctly and how the blurry bit at the top is cut off? These were things I had to fix in post.

I intend to refine the design on this thing later, so its not so much of a problem. Until then though I'll keep on truckin!(TM)

In Zog we trust.

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